Regular Transcriptions (Diamond Heart students can skip this section)
I have been transcribing for various writers/authors since 2014.
I can format these however it will work best for you. Please click here to view a PDF document showing some common styles.
I can clean these up slightly for readability (remove false starts, etc.) if you would like. There is no surcharge for this service.
- Base rate: $1 per audio minute
- Surcharges:
- Rush job (less than 48 hours): $0.50 per audio minute
- Difficult accents: $0.25 per audio minute
- Difficult terminology (multiple words I have to look up): $0.10 per audio minute
- Unclear audio: $0.25 per audio minute
- More than 2 speakers:
- No charge for labeling as "speaker" or "participant"
- If you want them tracked:
- 3-4 speakers: $0.25 per audio minute
- 5+ speakers: $0.50 per audio minute
Please scroll past Diamond Heart section for information on submitting files, turnaround time, confidentiality, and payment.
Diamond Heart Transcriptions
I have been transcribing for Diamond Heart students since 2012.
I will send your transcription on the DH five-column document. If you want it on something else, let me know.
I add timestamps every 5 minutes, in place of inaudible audio, and to show long sections of silence.
I can include false starts (stutters, etc.) if you want them.
I can also include other disfluencies (you know's, um's, er's, etc) if you want them.
- Base rate: $1 per audio minute
- Surcharges:
- Rush job (less than 48 hours): $0.50 per audio minute
- Unclear audio: $0.25 per audio minute
- Additional timestamps (beyond 1 every 5 minutes): $0.10 each
Additional Information for All Transcriptions
Submitting files
- Please send files as an mp3, if possible.
- If you record on several devices, please send me the recording from closest to you and your client.
- Sharing through Google Drive is often the easiest. Dropbox works as well. In either case, please share with
Turnaround time
- I will try to get transcriptions back within 72 hours. If you need it sooner than 48 hours, please be willing to pay an extra $0.50 per audio minute.
- If I am able to complete the transcription without changing my schedule within 48 hours, I will not charge you extra; it's only if I have to rearrange my commitments or schedule that I will charge the extra fee.
- Although it's not necessary, if you give me a heads-up that one is coming, I can schedule some time to do yours or let you know if I won't be available so you can make other arrangements.
- I keep a copy of your transcript on my password-protected computer until you verify that you have received it, accepted it, and paid for it. I then delete all of it from my computer and email.
- I will not discuss your sessions with anyone.
- I will sign an NDA if you request it.
- You can send a check (including your bank's bill pay service) or pay through Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, the Cash app, or Google Pay.
- If you pay through Paypal, there is a fee, so I'll have to add that fee (about 3%) to the price.
- You don't pay until you've received the transcript and approve.